Almost 9 PM and, like clockwork, the front light comes on and the alarm sounds, and we see Foxy Loxy make his way across the driveway and out to the road.  Foxy has quite a routine here.  We often have him pass through three or four times in one night, and a couple times during the day.  The game cameras have caught him so many times it’s no longer anything to get excited over.  Often there are two.


Spotticus is not happy about the critters that pass through the yard.  When the alarm goes off and he sees the light in the TV we have set up for viewing the driveway, he goes on full alert.  Ferocious little beast, he is!  Protecting his home and his people.  Of course that is also his MO even if someone we consider a friend comes to visit.  I guess you can’t have everything.